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Tick Prevention for Humans | Tick Control Fairfield

Writer's picture: Tick Control, LLCTick Control, LLC

What is a tick and how do they spread disease?

Tick Prevention for Humans | Tick Control Fairfield - A tick is a wingless arachnid (a mite of the order Acarina) that can be found on any continent worldwide. Ticks are small, tick-like arthropods with eight legs and they feed on the blood of mammals, reptiles, birds, and sometimes even amphibians. Ticks belong to different species; each tick species has its own specific host preference for feeding and reproduction.

Ticks have four life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. In two to three months tick larvae grow into tick nymphs which then mature until they become adults several weeks later. Adult ticks must molt to reproduce. A tick may feed on a host throughout one stage or pass from one stage to the next by dropping off the host and laying its eggs after sucking blood.

Depending on the tick, their size can be as small as a poppy seed or as big as an apple seed! Ticks use their long front legs to cling onto any part of a passing animal or human host where they then insert their short mouthparts and start feeding on body fluids such as blood. One tick can drink up to three times its weight in blood. If you find a tick on your body, remove it carefully with fine-tipped tweezers by grasping the tick as close to your skin as possible and pulling it straight out slowly. Do not twist or jerk the tick because this may cause the tick's mouth-parts to break off and remain in the wound which can lead to a tick-borne disease.

Ticks are parasites that feed on blood from mammals, reptiles, avian species, and sometimes even amphibians. Tick bites can transfer infectious diseases from one host to another but they only become infected if they have been attached for 36-48 hours or more depending on the tick species. One of the most common tick-transmitted diseases is Lyme disease (LD)

How to reduce your risk of getting bitten by a tick

1. Have a professional tick control company spray your yard for ticks. Tick Control, LLC is a top-rated pest control service in Connecticut and is well-known as the best tick company that money can buy.

2. Wear tick repellent clothing and tick repellents with DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) on exposed skin such as boots, pants, socks, and shirts. Avoid tick-infested grassy or bushy areas when walking through the woods or tall grass. Try to follow a trail if possible and avoid sitting down on logs and stumps.

3. When you go camping wear light-colored clothing so that ticks can be more easily spotted and removed with fine-tipped tweezers before they attach securely onto your body. Remove those ticks as soon as you see them!

4. Check your clothing, yourself, and even children for tick bites before going to bed because most

What to do if you find a tick on yourself or someone else?

Health experts advise:

- If the tick is still attached to the skin, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp it by its head or mouth and pull straight out slowly. You should not twist the tick because you might tear-off part of its body which may remain embedded in your skin.

- Disinfect tick bites with soap and water and put an antiseptic solution on them before bandaging them up. Do not use alcohol or any other disinfectants on tick bites; they can irritate your skin further.

- Keep a tick for identification purposes in case symptoms develop in the weeks following a tick bite. Tick-borne diseases normally take 3–30 days (depending on the disease) to appear after attachment of the tick.

How to remove ticks from clothes, pets, and furniture

1. If you find a tick on your clothes, remove it by grabbing the tick close to your skin with fine-tipped tweezers and slowly pulling the tick straight off. Never try to burn or smother the tick with petroleum jelly because this might increase its ability to transmit tick-borne diseases.

2. Use an "animal-safe" tick remover tool if you are not able to remove ticks from your pets by hand safely. Tick removers are also available for purchase online or at most pet stores where tick repellent products are sold.

3. Vacuum clean all upholstered furniture thoroughly before using insecticides to kill ticks in attics, basements, living areas, and other unknowingly tick-infested areas.

Preventing Lyme Disease with the use of Frontline Plus for dogs and cats

In addition to using Tick Control, LLC to professionally spray your yard for ticks, disease prevention can also be achieved by using tick control products like the tick-killing Frontline Plus for dogs and cats.

The tick-killing ingredients in Frontline Plus are fipronil and (S)-methoprene which provides immediate protection against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ants, biting flies, and so on. This tick-killing product is one of the bestsellers in tick pest control products because it kills all life stages of ticks including eggs which helps prevent Lyme disease in pets that go outside or live in tick-infested areas.

The active ingredients spread over your pet's body after applying the treatment to their skin surface through specialized transdermal technology making them highly effective at controlling tick infestations when they come into contact with tick hosts like mice and deer.

Frontline Plus tick-killing products for dogs and cats are easy to apply on your pet and they also protect against flea infestations for up to one month while killing mosquitoes that can transmit heartworm disease and so start protecting your pets by using tick pest control products today!


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